Jakarta is the political, economic and cultural center of Indonesia. (source: huanqiu network)
The Republic of Indonesia.
[area] the land area is 1904,443 square kilometers.
Population: 255.5 million, the world's fourth most populous country. There are hundreds of ethnic groups, with the Javanese population accounting for 45 percent, the sunda 14 percent, the madarra 7.5 percent, the malays 7.5 percent, and the other 26 percent. There are more than 200 ethnic languages and the official language is Indonesian. About 87 percent of the population is Muslim, the most populous Muslim country in the world. The population of 6.1 percent is Christian, 3.6 percent is Catholic, and the rest are Hindu, buddhist and primitive.
[capital] JAKARTA, population 999,000.
Head of state, President Joko Widodo, who took office in October 2014 until 2019.
[important holidays] islamic eid, eid al-adha; National awakening day (commemorating the founding of the national movement of Indonesia in 1908) May 20; Independence day: August 17.
[politics] after independence on August 17, 1945, armed resistance to the invasion of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands was forced to change to the federal republic of Indonesia and to join the federation. In August 1950, the republic of Indonesia was reinstated as the republic of Indonesia, and in August 1954, it was removed from the federal government.
In 1997, the Asian financial crisis caused a total shock to Indonesia, causing instability. In May 1998, President suharto, who had been in power for 32 years, resigned, and vice President habibi took over the presidency. In October 1999, the Indonesian people's consultative conference (" people's association ") elected wahid as President, and megawati was vice President. On July 23, 2001, the special meeting of the people's association for the removal of President wahid from the office of President, Mr. Megawati, as vice President. In July 2004, Indonesia held the first direct presidential election in history, and the former minister of political security and security, Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, was elected by two straight elections. In July 2009, Indonesia held a second straight presidential election, and susilo and former central bank governor boediono
Boediono's running mate won the first round. In July 2014, the third presidential elections held in Indonesia, Jakarta governor zonko, herry (Joko Widodo) and former vice President yusuf Carla running-mate, overcome the former army commander strategic reserves for Mr Walter and former minister of economy as a whole field of combination, on October 20th was sworn in as the new session of the President and vice President, term until 2019.
Release date: 2017-06-24 16:50:38 source: China's belt and road network