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Saudi Arabia

The kingdom tower is a landmark of Saudi Arabia. It fits well with the local climate. (source: huanqiu network)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

22.5 thousand square kilometers

[people's mouth] 3152 million (2015), of which about 67 percent of Saudi citizens are citizens. Islam is the religion of the state, the sunnis are 85% and the shiites account for 15%.

Official language: Arabic

Riyadh, the country's population of about 5.25 million.

[heads of state] king and prime minister: Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who succeeded him on January 23, 2015. Saudi Arabia is the seventh king.

National Day: September 23; Eid al-fitr: the first day of October; Eid al-adha: December 10.

Saudi Riyal, $1 = 3.75 Saudi rial.

Natural geography is located in the Arabian peninsula. East of the Persian gulf, west of the red sea, along with Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, uae, Oman, yemen and other countries, and through the king fahd bridge and bahrain. The coastline is 2,448 kilometers long. It's low in the west. In addition to the subtropical Mediterranean climate of the southwest plateau and the northern region, the rest of the region is tropical desert climate. Hot, dry summer, the highest temperature can reach more than 50 ℃; The weather is mild in winter. The average annual rainfall is not more than 200 mm.

In the 7th century AD, the successor of the founder of the islamic religion, Mohammed, established the Arab empire and was at its height in the 8th century, spanning Europe, Asia and Africa. It began to decline in the 11th century, and was ruled by the Ottoman empire in the 16th century. British invasion in the 19th century, at that time divided into two parts. In 1924, sheikh abdulaziz al saud annexed hanzhi and the next year called himself king. After many years, abdul aziz agri Saudi finally unified the Arabian peninsula, was established on September 23, 1932 declared the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the day was designated as the Saudi national holiday.

Release date: 2017-07-01 11:31:06 source: China road network

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